
The dashboard below provides a user-friendly and interactive interface to explore summarized data. Start exploring the data by clicking on different elements. Via the menu, on the top left of the dashboard, you can set filters.

You can navigate across the following pages, from left to right at the bottom of the dashboard:
1. Platform overview
2. Restrictions and violations overview
3. Timelines
4. Violations analysis
5. Restrictions analysis
6. Other analyses

For additional guidance on making the best use of the tool, please refer to instructions below the dashboard.
By default, the dashboard displays data from the last 30 days; you can apply filters to view data for other time periods.

Please note that a Data Retention Policy applies and that the dashboard can show aggregated data over a longer period of time in the past compared to the data available on the “Search for statements of reasons” page. This might result in different numbers of statements of reasons being returned by the dashboard and the search page even when the same filtering settings are applied.


The purpose of this dashboard is to help users without programming skills explore aggregated data in the DSA Transparency Database. These instructions are to assist you in making the best use of all the available features.
This dashboard comprises 6 pages, in addition to these instructions. Each page contains some visualizations, typically grouped by theme, such as timelines, violations, or restrictions. In addition, the last “Other analyses” page shows a breakdown of statements of reasons by content type.
It also shows how the grounds for the restrictions imposed and the information source used relate to one another as well as the relationship between automatic content moderation decisions and automatic detection of content for moderation.
Data update
The data is updated every day at 06:00 (CET).
For definitions of terms used, please refer to the FAQ section and the API documentation of the DSA Transparency Database. Kindly note that “violations” refer to the variable “category” of the API documentation.
Each visualization is interactive: 1) additional information is provided when the mouse hovers over a visualization, and 2) you can click on any of the elements (e.g. bars, charts, labels) to highlight specific data. The rest of the visualizations in the page will accordingly highlight the relevant data.
Note that highlights apply only to the page in which they are triggered. For filters that apply to all the pages, use the ‘filters’ menu on the top left – see below.
The three lines on the top left of the dashboard open the filters menu.
Select the element you want to focus on (e.g., specific platform(s), types of violations or restrictions), and the visualizations on all the pages will update accordingly.
To close the filters menu, click on the ‘back’ button on the right of the menu.
To remove all applied filters, press the ‘Remove all filters’ button at the bottom of the menu.
Please refer to the FAQ section about the filters that are available.
Selecting multiple elements
Keep the ‘Ctrl’ button pressed to select multiple items on any interactive element of the dashboard or filters.
This way, you can, for example, select all the social media platforms or all online marketplaces, or different combinations of violations or restrictions.
Zooming on the Y-axis
In some visualizations, the orders of magnitude of data vary significantly, from thousands to billions. In these cases, ‘zoom in’ on the y-axis by scrolling the bar on the left of the graph, where it is available.
Focus mode
You can maximize any visualization by pressing the 'focus mode' button, on the top right of the visualization.
Viewing detailed figures
You can view the data as a table, by right-clicking on any visualization and selecting 'Show as a table'.
It is not possible to download individual statements of reason from the dashboard. For this, kindly use the Data Download functionality.
Adjusting the date format
By default, the dashboard considers your browser’s settings for the format of displaying dates. Therefore, you may see dates as MM/DD/YYYY, instead of DD/MM/YYYY. To see dates in the latter format, change your browser’s language preference.
For example, for Google Chrome, type on the URL box: chrome://settings/languages and choose “English (United Kingdom, Oxford English Dictionary spelling)” as the preferred language. For Firefox, go to 'Settings', select 'Languages' and choose 'English (GB)'.