Research API


This documentation describes the DSA Transparency Database Research API. Its endpoints are designed to enable programmatic access to and queries of statements of reasons (SORs) for academic and policy research into platforms’ content moderation practices.

By providing specialized access to search and analyse data within the statement_index of the DSA Transparency Database in OpenSearch, the Research API supports a wide range of technically advanced research and investigative applications. In enabling programmatic analysis, the DSA Transparency Database Research API complements the other analytical tools of the DSA Transparency Database, namely its public dashboard for quick exploration and visualisation of the data and the dsa-tdb analytical package enabling advanced analysis of individually downloaded statements of reasons.

Purpose and Scope

The DSA Transparency Database Research API empowers interested stakeholders with the relevant technical knowledge to retrieve specific subsets of data within the OpenSearch statement_index of the DSA Transparency Database and to perform complex queries based on their research interests. As such, it lends itself in particular to facilitate longitudinal and cross-platform studies, i.e. to the systematic investigation of trends and patterns in the data.

In line with the DSA Transparency Database data retention policy, the statement_index only contains statements of reasons submitted by platforms within the last 6 months. Older statements of reasons are not available through the Research API endpoints. The DSA Transparency Database Research API endpoints are specifically designed for programmatic statistical and pattern analysis, NOT for bulk data collection. You can find an overview of other tools to analyse the data in the DSA Transparency Database here.

How to Get Access

1. Create an EU Login Account. Please find the instructions to create an EU Login Account here.

2. Visit the DSA Transparency Database Page by clicking here.

3. Contact the DSA Helpdesk at with your EU Login details and express your interest in obtaining an authentication token for the Research API. The DSA Helpdesk will process your request and update your account with the appropriate permissions.

4. Log into the DSA Transparency Database website with your EU Login Account and test your access with basic queries

Use Conditions & Limitations

1. By receiving your authentication token, you agree to use it responsibly & within the limitations specified in this documentation.

2. You must keep your authentication token confidential and not share it with any third party. You are solely and entirely responsible for all uses of your authentication token.

3. Limits are placed on the number of API requests you can make using your authentication token. You agree to, and will not attempt to circumvent, such limitations. Exceeding these limits will lead to your authentication token being temporarily blocked from making further requests.

4. The maximum response size of an API request is 5MB.

5. The maximum execution time of an API request is 30 seconds.

6. The maximum result size is 1000 rows per query and there is no pagination support.

7. In line with the DSA Transparency Database data retention policy, the statement_index only contains statements of reasons submitted by platforms within the last 6 months. As such, older statements are not available through these API endpoints.

8. All endpoints are read-only. No modifications to the statement_index data are possible through these endpoints.

9. The Research endpoints are NOT intended for downloading large volumes of individual statements of reasons. The data download section of the website enables bulk data download.

Available Endpoints

Endpoint Method Description Use Case POST Complex search using OpenSearch DSL Detailed filtering and complex queries POST SQL-like queries for analysis Statistical analysis and aggregations POST Count documents matching query Quick statistics and volume analysis POST Search using OpenSearch DQL Domain-specific querying{date}[/{fields}] GET Aggregated statistics by date Trend analysis and patterns GET Available label definitions Understanding classification values GET Platform information Platform metadata and identifiers


All endpoints require authentication using a Bearer token. See How to get access for the process of obtaining an authentication token. All requests must use HTTPS.

Header Format:

Authorization: Bearer <your-token>

Base URL: All Research API endpoints are accessible under the base URL:

For detailed information on how to construct OpenSearch DSL queries, refer to the OpenSearch Query DSL Documentation.

Statement Index Schema

The statement_index contains the following fields that can be used in your queries:

Field Type Description
account_typekeywordType of account
application_datedateDate of application of a moderation decision
automated_decisionkeywordAutomated decision indicator
automated_detectionbooleanWhether detection was automated
categorykeywordStatement category
category_additiontextAdditional category information
category_specificationtextCategory specification details
content_datedateDate of the content
content_languagekeywordLanguage of the content
content_typetextType of content
content_type_othertextOther content type details
content_type_singlekeywordSingle content type identifier
created_atdateCreation timestamp
decision_accountkeywordAccount decision
decision_factstextDecision facts
decision_groundkeywordGround for decision
decision_monetarykeywordMonetary decision
decision_monetary_othertextOther monetary decision details
decision_provisionkeywordDecision provision
decision_visibilitytextVisibility decision
decision_visibility_othertextOther visibility decision details
decision_visibility_singlekeywordSingle visibility decision
idlongUnique identifier
illegal_content_explanationtextExplanation of illegal content
illegal_content_legal_groundtextLegal ground for illegal content
incompatible_content_explanationtextExplanation of incompatible content
incompatible_content_groundtextGround for incompatible content
methodkeywordMethod used
platform_idlongPlatform identifier
platform_nametextName of the platform
platform_uuidtextPlatform UUID
platform_vlopbooleanPlatform VLOP status
puidtextPUID identifier
received_datedateDate received
source_identitytextIdentity of the source
source_typekeywordType of source
territorial_scopetextTerritorial scope
urltextURL reference
uuidtextUUID identifier


  • Fields of type keyword are not analysed and can be used for exact matches and aggregations
  • Fields of type text are analysed and better suited for full-text search
  • Fields of type date accept ISO 8601 format
  • Fields of type boolean accept true/false values
  • Fields of type long are numeric identifiers

Detailed Endpoint Documentation

This endpoint enables complex search using OpenSearch DSL. For detailed information on how to construct OpenSearch DSL queries, refer to the OpenSearch Query DSL Documentation.

Endpoint Name


Endpoint-Specific Limitations

  • Results are limited to 1000 rows per query.
  • Total hits are tracked accurately (track_total_hits is enabled).
  • For bulk downloads, please use the data download section of the website.

Example Use Cases

Analysis of Scams & Fraud Moderation Patterns

  • Tracks scams & fraud moderation across a six-month period.
  • Compares platform responses to scams & fraud.
  • Identifies temporal patterns in scams & fraud content moderation.
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "match": {
                        "category": "STATEMENT_CATEGORY_SCAMS_AND_FRAUD"
            "filter": [
                    "range": {
                        "received_date": {
                            "gte": "2024-01-01",
                            "lte": "2024-06-30"

Regional Content Moderation Analysis

  • Compares content moderation approaches across EU member states.
  • Analyzes regional variations in moderation decisions based on illegality.
  • Exposes cross-border differences.
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "terms": {
                        "territorial_scope": [
            "filter": [
                    "term": {
                        "decision_ground": "DECISION_GROUND_ILLEGAL_CONTENT"

Analysis of the Use of Automated Means in Content Moderation

  • Evaluates the use of automated means in content moderation.
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "term": {
                        "automated_detection": true
            "should": [
                    "term": {
                        "decision_ground": "DECISION_GROUND_ILLEGAL_CONTENT"
                    "term": {
                        "decision_ground": "DECISION_GROUND_INCOMPATIBLE_CONTENT"
            "minimum_should_match": 1

Example Request Body & Response

Request Body

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "term": {
                        "platform_id": 22
                    "term": {
                        "category": "STATEMENT_CATEGORY_ANIMAL_WELFARE"
            "filter": [
                    "range": {
                        "received_date": {
                            "gte": "2024-01-01",
                            "lte": "2024-06-30"


    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "took": 476,
        "timed_out": false,
        "num_reduce_phases": 2,
        "_shards": {
            "total": 640,
            "successful": 640,
            "skipped": 0,
            "failed": 0
        "hits": {
            "total": {
                "value": 177303,
                "relation": "eq"
            "max_score": 31.229053,
            "hits": [
                    "_index": "statement_product_640_2",
                    "_id": "26271619559",
                    "_score": 31.229053,
                    "_source": {
                        "id": 26271619559,
                        "platform_name": "Example Platform",
                        "category": "STATEMENT_CATEGORY_ILLEGAL_OR_HARMFUL_SPEECH",
                        "decision_ground": "DECISION_GROUND_ILLEGAL_CONTENT",
                        "content_type": [
                        "territorial_scope": [

Response Fields

  • took: Time in milliseconds for OpenSearch to execute the search.
  • timed_out: Whether the search timed out.
  • num_reduce_phases: Number of reduce phases in the search.
  • _shards: Information about the shards searched.
    • total: Total number of shards.
    • successful: Number of shards that responded successfully.
    • skipped: Number of shards skipped.
    • failed: Number of shards that failed.
  • hits: Search results.
    • total.value: Total number of matching documents.
    • total.relation: Relationship of the count ("eq" means exact).
    • max_score: Highest relevance score among results.
    • hits: Array of matching documents.
      • _index: Index name.
      • _id: Document ID.
      • _score: Document's relevance score.
      • _source: Original document data.


  • The request body should be a valid OpenSearch DSL query.
  • The search is performed on the statement_index.
  • Results are paginated by default (size: 10).
  • A maximum size limit may apply to protect server resources.


This endpoint enables SQL-like queries using OpenSearch SQL functionality. For detailed guidance, refer to the OpenSearch SQL Documentation.

Endpoint Name


Endpoint-Specific Limitations

  • OpenSearch SQL is a subset of standard SQL with specific limitations.
  • Queries can ONLY be executed against the statement_index.
  • Any LIMIT/OFFSET in queries will be automatically replaced with LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0.
  • No support for complex window functions.
  • Limited support for subqueries.
  • No support for HAVING clause.
  • Limited JOIN support (no other indices to join with).
  • Limited function availability.
  • No support for CTEs (Common Table Expressions).
  • No support for UNION operations.

Query Constraints

  • FROM clause must always be FROM statement_index.
  • Results are always limited to 1000 rows.
  • No pagination support (OFFSET is always 0).

For larger result sets:

  • Use aggregations where possible
  • Break queries into smaller time ranges
  • Consider using the Search or Aggregates endpoints instead

For more complex analysis needs that exceed OpenSearch SQL capabilities (such as window functions or complex aggregations), consider

  • Using the Search API with DSL queries
  • Using the Aggregates endpoint
  • Performing additional analysis in your preferred statistical software
  • Breaking down complex queries into simpler parts

Example use cases

1. Comparative platform analysis:

  • Analyses the distribution of moderation decisions across platforms
  • Performs basic cross-platforms comparisons
COUNT(*) as decision_count
FROM statement_index
WHERE received_date >= '2024-01-01'
AND received_date <= '2024-06-30'
GROUP BY platform_name, decision_ground
ORDER BY platform_name, decision_count DESC;

2. Automated vs Manual Decision Analysis:

  • Reveals automation patterns across content types
  • Displays platform-specific use of automation in content moderation
  • Performs comparisons across different content types
COUNT(*) as decision_count
FROM statement_index
WHERE received_date = '2024-06-26'
GROUP BY content_type_single, automated_decision, platform_name
ORDER BY decision_count DESC;

3. Basic Temporal Analysis:

  • Displays daily trends in content moderation
  • Tracks changes in platforms’ behaviour over time
  • Reveals category-specific patterns
COUNT(*) as statement_count,
AVG(CASE WHEN automated_detection = true THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END) as automation_rate
FROM statement_index
WHERE received_date >= '2024-01-01'
AND received_date <= '2024-06-30'
GROUP BY received_date, platform_name, category
ORDER BY received_date, platform_name;

Example Request Body & Response

Request Body:

    "query": "SELECT * FROM statement_index WHERE platform_name = 'example'",
    "format": "json"
    // Optional: returns results in JSON format

Response Formats:

Default format:

    "schema": [
            "name": "decision_account",
            "type": "keyword"
            "name": "account_type",
            "type": "keyword"
            "name": "decision_provision",
            "type": "keyword"
        // ... additional fields
    "datarows": [
            "2024-07-07 01:31:21",
            "The affected listings do not meet the requirements of the Electronical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG – the German WEEE law).",
            "2024-07-07 00:00:00",
            "Amazon Store",
            "Violation of the Electronical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG – the German WEEE law).",
        // ... additional rows

JSON format (when "format": "json" is specified):

    "took": 170,
    "timed_out": false,
    "num_reduce_phases": 2,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 640,
        "successful": 640,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 5467899,
            "relation": "gte"
        "max_score": 1,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "statement_product_640_2",
                "_id": "21177743029",
                "_score": 1,
                "_source": {
                    "id": 21177743029,
                    "decision_visibility": [
                    "decision_visibility_single": "DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_DISABLED",
                    "category_specification": [],
                    "decision_visibility_other": null,
                    "decision_monetary": null,
                    "decision_monetary_other": null
            // ... additional results


This endpoint returns the count of documents matching the provided OpenSearch DSL query.

Endpoint Name


Example use cases

1. Volume analysis of moderated content:

  • Measures illegal content prevalence
  • Tracks moderation volume over time
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "term": {
                        "decision_ground": "DECISION_GROUND_ILLEGAL_CONTENT"
            "filter": [
                    "range": {
                        "received_date": {
                            "gte": "2024-01-01",
                            "lte": "2024-06-30"

2. Analysis of Content Type distribution:

  • Shows distribution of content types across VLOPs
  • Reveals platform-specific content patterns
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "exists": {
                        "field": "content_type_single"
            "filter": [
                    "term": {
                        "platform_vlop": true

Response Format

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "count": 9630559766,
        "_shards": {
            "total": 640,
            "successful": 640,
            "skipped": 0,
            "failed": 0


Performs searches using OpenSearch DQL (Dashboards Query Language). DQL is a simple text-based query language that uses field:value syntax to filter data. This query language resembles the Apache Lucene Query language.

Endpoint Name


Request Format:

    "query": "decision_visibility_single: DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_REMOVED and automated_detection: true"

Example use cases

1. Content Removal Pattern Analysis:

Helps researchers:

  • Find automatically detected content removals
  • Analyze removal patterns
decision_visibility_single: DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_REMOVED and automated_detection: true

2. Regional Analysis:

For analyzing:

  • Content moderation in specific regions
  • Illegal content patterns by territory
territorial_scope: DE and decision_ground: DECISION_GROUND_ILLEGAL_CONTENT

Important Notes:

  • Use field:value syntax (e.g., field: value)
  • Boolean operators: and, or, not
  • Use quotes for phrases: field: "exact phrase"
  • Supports wildcards (*) in both field names and values
  • Supports ranges with >, <, >=, <= operators for numeric and date fields


This endpoint returns aggregated statistics for statements for the specified date. Aggregates in OpenSearch are a powerful way to group and analyze data based on specific fields, similar to SQL's GROUP BY functionality. They help in summarizing and analyzing large datasets by grouping similar data together, calculating metrics, and discovering patterns in the data.

Endpoint Name



  • date: Required.
    • Format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2024-02-26)
  • fields: Optional.
    • List of specific fields to aggregate on, separated by double underscores (e.g., decision_ground__platform_id)
    • The keyword all to aggregate on all available fields

Available Aggregation Fields:

  • automated_decision
  • automated_detection- category
  • content_type_single
  • decision_account- decision_ground- decision_monetary
  • decision_provision
  • decision_visibility_single- platform_id- received_date- source_type

Using Specific Fields vs 'all'

Specific Fields Approach:

  • More focused and performant
  • Useful when you have specific questions to answer
  • Example:
  • Shows how many decisions of each type were made by each platform
  • Provides focused view for comparing platform moderation approaches

Using 'all':

  • Calculates aggregations for all available fields
  • More resource-intensive but provides comprehensive overview
  • Useful for exploratory analysis and pattern discovery
  • Example:
  • Shows all possible breakdowns (by platform, decision type, content type, etc.)
  • Helps discover unexpected patterns
  • More comprehensive but potentially slower

Example use cases

1. Default (total for date):



    "aggregates": [
            "received_date": "2024-06-26",
            "permutation": "received_date:2024-06-26",
            "total": 55225872
    "total": 55225872,
    "total_aggregates": 1,
    "date": "2024-06-26",
    "attributes": {
        "1": "received_date"
    "key": "osa__2024-06-26__received_date",
    "cache": "hit",
    "duration": 0.0019,
    "size": 269

2. Aggregation by platform:



    "aggregates": [
            "platform_id": 22,
            "permutation": "platform_id:22",
            "platform_name": "X",
            "total": 2783
            "platform_id": 23,
            "permutation": "platform_id:23",
            "platform_name": "App Store",
            "total": 660
    "total": 3443,
    "total_aggregates": 2,
    "date": "2024-06-26",
    "attributes": {
        "1": "platform_id"
    // ... additional metadata

3. Aggregation on all fields:



    "aggregates": [
            "automated_decision": true,
            "permutation": "automated_decision:true",
            "total": 25000
            "platform_id": 22,
            "permutation": "platform_id:22",
            "platform_name": "X",
            "total": 2783
        // ... results for all other fields
    "total": 55225872,
    "total_aggregates": 12,
    "date": "2024-06-26",
    "attributes": {
        "1": "automated_decision",
        "2": "automated_detection",
        "3": "category"
        // ... all available fields
    // ... additional metadata

Performance Considerations:

  • Specific attributes queries are more efficient as they compute fewer aggregations
  • 'All' queries might be slower and more resource-intensive
  • Combining multiple fields (e.g., decision_ground__platform_id) allows for more complex analysis while maintaining reasonable performance


This endpoint returns all available labels and their corresponding keystone values that can be used for filtering in queries. Keystone values are machine-friendly strings that represent specific categories or attributes in the system. For example, when filtering statements by category in your queries, you would use the keystone value STATEMENT_CATEGORY_ANIMAL_WELFARE rather than the human-readable label "Animal Welfare".

Endpoint Name



    "decision_visibilities": {
        "DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_REMOVED": "Removal of content",
        "DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_DISABLED": "Disabling access to content",
        "DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_DEMOTED": "Demotion of content",
        "DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_AGE_RESTRICTED": "Age restricted content",
        "DECISION_VISIBILITY_CONTENT_INTERACTION_RESTRICTED": "Restricting interaction with content",
        "DECISION_VISIBILITY_OTHER": "Other restriction (please specify)"
    "decision_monetaries": {
        "DECISION_MONETARY_SUSPENSION": "Suspension of monetary payments",
        "DECISION_MONETARY_TERMINATION": "Termination of monetary payments",
        "DECISION_MONETARY_OTHER": "Other restriction (please specify)"
    "decision_provisions": {
        "DECISION_PROVISION_PARTIAL_SUSPENSION": "Partial suspension of the provision of the service",
        "DECISION_PROVISION_TOTAL_SUSPENSION": "Total suspension of the provision of the service",
        "DECISION_PROVISION_PARTIAL_TERMINATION": "Partial termination of the provision of the service",
        "DECISION_PROVISION_TOTAL_TERMINATION": "Total termination of the provision of the service"
    // ... additional label categories


This endpoint returns a list of all platforms in the system along with their unique identifier and VLOP (Very Large Online Platform) status. The platform IDs can be used for filtering in queries when you need to target specific platforms.

Endpoint Name


Support and Query Responsibility

These API endpoints are provided as-is and act as direct interfaces to the OpenSearch index. Please note:

  • Queries are passed directly to the OpenSearch engine
  • Users are responsible for constructing valid queries according to OpenSearch documentation
  • Support is not provided for query syntax or optimization
  • Before reporting issues:
    • Verify your query syntax is correct
    • Check for common errors (date formats, field names)
    • Test simpler versions of complex queries
    • Test your query against the OpenSearch documentation
    • Ensure the error is not due to malformed queries
    • Document reproducible test cases
  • Contact support ( only if you have strong evidence of a technical issue with one of the endpoints itself

For more detailed query guidance, refer to:

Error Handling

Common error responses and their implications:

401: Unauthorized

  • Invalid or missing Bearer token
  • Check authentication credentials

403: Forbidden

  • Insufficient permissions
  • Check authentication credentials

404: Not Found

  • Invalid endpoint or parameter
  • Verify API endpoint URLs
  • Check parameter formatting

500: Internal Server Error

  • Server-side processing issue
  • Document error context
  • Consider simplifying complex queries

504: Gateway Timeout

  • Query exceeded 30-second timeout
  • Optimize query performance
  • Break down into smaller time ranges

413: Payload Too Large

  • Response exceeds 5MB limit
  • Reduce query scope
  • Use pagination or date partitioning